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Emsella | Improve Bladder Retention
Emsella is a non-invasive procedure that improves the symptoms of urinary incontinence. It helps those struggling with both urge incontinence and stress incontinence. Emsella is entirely safe, non-surgical, and painless. Patients can comfortably remain clothed throughout the treatment.
Nicknamed the “Kegel-throne,” this ergonomic chair stimulates the pelvic floor with electromagnetic energy. One 30-minute treatment stimulates the equivalent of 11,000 Kegels. Emsella strengthens the muscles that control urinary retention, making it perfect for women who want more control over their bladder without surgery or a lengthy recovery.
Emsella Benefits at Women’s Health and Gynecology of New England, PC
- Improves urinary incontinence
- Stimulates 11,000 Kegels or supramaximal contractions
- Improves vaginal laxity
- FDA-cleared
- Scientifically proven
- No surgery or downtime required
- Non-invasive
- Comfortable 30-minute treatment
- High patient satisfaction rating
What Causes Urinary Incontinence?
Bladder retention is a common concern for many women, and it can hinder a person’s quality of life. Urination requires muscles to both tighten and relax. Those muscles are controlled by nerves that send signals telling the tissues to contract or relax. Urine is forced out of the bladder and down into the urethra via muscle contractions. During this action, the sphincter muscles in the urethra relax and allow the urethra to open and release the urine.
Urinary incontinence (UI) occurs when the muscles responsible for retaining and releasing urine become damages and the nerve signals become overactive. For many women, UI occurs after vaginal childbirth. Aging or menopause may also cause this.
Understanding the Two Types of Urinary Incontinence
There are two kinds of Urinary Incontinence: Stress Incontinence and Urge Incontinence.
Stress Incontinence (stress UI) is the urinary leakage caused by physical movement or exertion. Many women experience urinary leakage when they sneeze, jump, laugh, or even cough. Stress UI is the most common type of incontinence. It usually results from vaginal childbirth, although menopause can also cause Stress UI.
This form of UI results when muscles that hold up the bladder come stretched out or weakened. This breakdown in supporting tissue allows the bladder to press down on the sphincter muscles of the urethra. When the bladder’s weight is combined with physical exertion like jumping or coughing, the urethra muscles forcibly open. When this occurs, it allows urine to leak out.
The best way to improve Stress UI is to strengthen the muscles that hold up the bladder. Kegels are the most effective way to rebuild and strengthen those tissues.
Urge Incontinence or Urge UI feels like a sudden need to urinate, followed by involuntary urination. This type of UI occurs when the nerve signals responsible for telling muscles to contract or relax misfire. Urge UI causes the overactive bladder muscle to overpower the sphincter muscles in the urethra.
What are Kegels?
Kegels are the best way to improve UI. For many people struggling with UI, they may wonder what a Kegel is and how it helps. Kegels consist of voluntary muscle exercises that contract and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor. They work much like any other form of manual strength-building exercises like crunches or lunges. Kegels help contract the muscles of the vaginal floor to put tension on the tissue. To adapt to the tension, the body creates new muscle fibers and strengthens the existing ones.
How Does Emsella Work?
Emsella works by improving incontinence through the strengthening of the muscles that support the bladder. During a treatment, the patient sits comfortably on an ergonomic chair. They can remain fully clothed. This chair employs High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy stimulating powerful contractions of the pelvic floor. The neurons force the muscles to contract or tighten rapidly, inducing countless Kegel exercises.
In comparison to manual Kegels, the contractions during an Emsella treatment are much more potent. One 30-minute Emsella treatment can induce more than 11,000 supramaximal Kegels. Those powerful contractions are scientifically proven to strengthen the pelvic floor tissues and tighten the muscles of the vaginal wall. This will both increase urinary retention and improve vaginal laxity.
Emsella Results*
Patients see an improvement in UI after one treatment. However, patients should follow a treatment schedule of 8 Sessions with a minimum of 2 days between treatments for the best results (purchase 6 and get 2 complimentary treatments). As with any treatment, individual experiences will vary.*
How Much Does Emsella Cost?
The total Emsella cost varies per patient. Several factors may determine pricing, including the number of treatments required to achieve the best results and the package pricing. The best way to find out how much Emsella will cost is to schedule a free consultation with New England Center for Body Sculpting. During your consultation, you can speak one-on-one with an Emsella specialist to better understand the procedure and get a more detailed price guide.
Emsella Urinary Incontinence Treatments Near Me
If you are tired of struggling with UI and want to feel more confident, contact Women’s Health and Gynecology of New England, PC. We are a premier Emsella provider offering patients a way to treat and improve bladder retention without surgery comfortably. Patient advised to come for a gynecology consult to see if they are a candidate for the Emsella treatment. Schedule your consultation today or inquire if insurance is accepted by calling us at (508) 947-0800.
Schedule an incontinence Treatment Consultation
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Schedule an incontinence Treatment Consultation
Please call 508-947-0800 or fill out the form below
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